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The Hon. Mr John Lee Ka Chiu 李家超 GBM, SBS, PDSM, PMSM
MPubPol&Admin CSturt


Dr the Honourable Sir David Li Kwok Po 李國寶 GBM, GBS, JP
HonLLD Cantab, Warw and HK; HonDSSc CUHK

President and Vice-Chancellor

Professor Xiang Zhang 張翔 JP
MS/BS Nanjing; MS Minn; PhD Berkeley; MCAS; MNAE; MAS

Provost and Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Interim)

Professor Richard Wong Yue Chim 王于漸 SBS, JP
AB, AM, PhD Chic

Executive Vice-President (Administration & Finance) (Interim)

Professor Norman Chihnan Tien 田之楠
BS UCB, MS Illinois, PhD UC San Diego

Vice-President & Pro-Vice-Chancellor (Academic Development)

Professor Gong Peng 宮鵬
BSc, MSc Nanjing; PhD Waterloo

Vice-President & Pro-Vice-Chancellor (Teaching and Learning)

Professor Ian Holliday 何立仁
MA Cantab; MPhil, DPhil Oxon

Vice-President & Pro-Vice-Chancellor (Health) (Interim)

Professor Chak-sing Lau 劉澤星 BBS, JP
MBChB, MD Hons Dundee; FHKAM (Medicine); FHKCP; FRCP Lond; FRCP Glas; FRCP Edin; MRCP UK; HonDSc Glas

Vice-President & Pro-Vice-Chancellor (Research)

Professor Max Shen Zuojun 申作軍
BEng Shandong; MEng Tsinghua; PhD Northwestern

Vice-President & Pro-Vice-Chancellor (Global Innovation Centre) (Interim)

Professor Vivian Wing-Wah YAM 任詠華 SBS, BBS, JP


Mrs Margaret Leung Ko May Yee 梁高美懿 SBS, JP

Deans of Faculties

Architecture - Professor Yung Ho Chang 張永和
MArch Berkeley; FAIA

Arts - Professor David Martin Pomfret 龐德威 
BA, PhD Nott 

Business and Economics - Professor Hongbin Cai 蔡洪濱
BSc Wuhan; MEcon Peking; MSc, PhD Stanford

Dentistry (Acting) - Professor Lijian Jin 金力堅
DDS Zhejiang, MMedSc Karolinska Inst, PhD Peking, Odont Dr Karolinska Inst., FDS RCS ad hominem Edinburgh

Education - Professor Rui Yang 楊銳
BA Anhui; MEd Fujian Normal; PhD Syd

Engineering - Professor David Joseph Srolovitz
BS Rutgers; MS, PhD Penn

Law - Professor Hualing Fu 傅華伶
LLB SW Pol Sc & Law; MA Tor, JD York

Medicine - Professor Chak-sing Lau 劉澤星 BBS, JP
MBChB Dundee; MRCP UK; MD Honours Dundee;
FHKCP, FHKAM (Medicine), FRCP Edinburgh; FRCP Glasgow; FRCP London; HonDSc Glasgow

Science - Professor Qiang Zhou 周強
BSc USTC; PhD Los Angeles

Social Sciences - Professor Ming Wen 文鳴
BSc Peking; MA, MSc, PhD Chic

Dean of Student Affairs 

Professor Samson S.K. Tse 謝樹基
MSc, PhD Otago; PDOT HKPU; DipSocSc Massey

Registrar (Acting)

Professor Ian Holliday 何立仁
MA Cantab; MPhil, DPhil Oxon

Director of Finance

Mr Tony Lo Tung Sing 勞同聲

Chief Information Officer and University Librarian

Ms Flora Ng Lai Kuen 伍麗娟
BAppSc Tor; MASc Waterloo

Director of Estates

Mr Sunny K Yeung 楊光
FHKIArb, Barrister – Inner Temple, Registered Architect

Officers of the University are listed in the University Ordinance and Statutes.
