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The Shield

The current presentation of the University's Shield of Arms is based upon a coloured working drawing supplied by the College of Arms in 1958. Over the years, there has been some deviation from the original drawing and the standard of presentation has deteriorated to the detriment of this part of our corporate image. In connection with the recent trade marking registration of the University's visual images, the opportunity was taken to obtain a further copy of the working drawings of the Shield of Arms from the College of Arms.

Full Colour

Full ColourPantone colour for reference (as advised by the Registrar on October 25, 2004)

Red - Warm Red U 2X
Green - 346 U
Blue - 2925 U
Yellow - Yellow U
Brown - Black 5U
Black - Process Black U

Monotone Shield Unshaded

Monotone Shield UnshadedA monotone unshaded version of the Shield is widely used on University stationery. This version is illustrated here:

The University's Visual Identity

Shield with Word-marks


Horizontal with Full Colour

Horizontal with Monotone Shield Unshaded

English name only

Full Colour with English name only

Monotone Shield Unshaded with English name only

Chinese name only

Full Colour with Chinese name only

Monotone Shield Unshaded with Chinese name only


Vertical with Full Colour

Vertical with Monotone Shield Unshaded
