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HKU’s Global Rankings – At a Glance

HKU’s Global Rankings – At a Glance

HKU stands amongst the top universities in global rankings at 26th and 35th in the world (QS and THE 2024 rankings, respectively). HKU has also been ranked by THE in 2023 as the world’s most international university.

More HKU’s Global Rankings – At a Glance
The Fear Factor

The Fear Factor

Professor Cora Lai Sau-wan of the School of Biomedical Sciences has deepened our understanding of where and how fear memories are stored in the brain – and shown how these memories could potentially be erased.

More The Fear Factor
Hep to a Cure

Hep to a Cure

World-leading hepatitis researcher, Professor Yuen Man-fung, has made serious inroads towards a cure for some hepatitis B patients. He is also working to get more people tested so they can seek treatment for this silent but harmful virus.

More Hep to a Cure